You have a few options, but almost all of them are from 3rd party companies. Xbox sells a black wireless headset for the 360, it looks like a simple hands free kit for a cellphone that you stick in your ear. It’s only one sided. so you don't have
How to Connect XBOX 360 Console to Windows 10 computer 2020-6-14 · Now you Xbox SmatGlass will be connected with Xbox 360 Console. #. By second time, you will be automatically connected to your console when you will open the Xbox SmartGalass App. But be sure that Console is switched on. Posted by Nawvind kumar at 12/15/2014. Tags: windows 10, xbox 360. Xbox Support 2020-7-10 · Xbox Support loading
An Xbox 360 Wireless Controller Dongle (if using a wireless controller). The process to get your wired Xbox 360 controller working on your Android device is incredibly simple: 1. Plug the micro USB connector of your OTG cable into your Android device. 2. Plug your Xbox 360 controller into the standard female USB port of the OTG cable.
2007-2-19 · We outfitted Brandon’s new Jeep Wrangler Rubicon with a 23-inch Samsung HDTV and an Xbox connected to Google WiFi via my laptop, ala my Xbox 360 wireless connection sharing tip. We rigged up the HDTV screen to the back of the passenger seat using one of those flat wall mount kits, which was then zip-tied to the headrest. PS4 DualShock 4 controller is compatible with the Xbox 360
How to Connect Xbox One to Hotel WiFi - the Easy Way
2020-5-8 · The Microsoft Xbox 360 game console can connect to the Xbox Live service using Wi-Fi for online gaming, video streaming, and other internet features.If you have trouble connecting to Xbox Live, here's how to fix the most common wireless connection problems on the Xbox 360.